Meet Elayne

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Thanks for stopping by. My name is Elayne and I am the Editor in Chief of Living The Fantabuless Life.  I used to be a stressed out, overscheduled, overcommitted, multitasking wife and mother of 6 driving my kid here there and everywhere for every social and sporting event known to man.  No matter how early I started my day, there was never enough time in the day for me to get everything done, and unfortunately I still had more "stuff" to get done when the day ended.  One day I got a Breast Cancer Diagnosis and it changed my life. As I battled cancer, many things fell through the cracks and I fell behind even more.  One day I came to the realization that many of the things that I thought were important were really not.  After a miraculous healing in my body, I have decided to live my life with less; less stress, less drama, less committments, less debt, less clutter, less worry and less guilt.  Now I focus on the things that are truly important to me which are God, my family, travelling, great food, helping others live a debt free life, pampering myself and creating memorable experiences with my family.  I created this page to share financial information, parenting tips, beauty tips, household hacks and my travel and food adventures with other moms. If I can live a fantabuless life, then so can you.  Life is short and tomorrow is not promised, so let's help each other along the way and enjoy this crazy roller coaster of a ride called motherhood.


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I  live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and 6 kids, and you can find us out and about, enjoying all of the cultures and festivities that only the Bay Area can offer.  If you are a reader and see me out and about, please come up and say hello. If you are a brand looking get some face time in front of my readers, drop me an email and I'll see if your product meets my standards to be shared with them. 




Check out my other blogs:

Fantabuless Giveaways And Reviews
Fantabuless Foods and Travels


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