Back To School With Groupon #Groupon #ad

August 22nd, 2016 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Uncategorized
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions express are my own.


The kids are headed back to school and my pocket book is screaming for mercy! With 5 kids in school I have to be vigilant about my budget. Groupon allows me to stay within my budget and splurge without feeling guilty. 

From Bento boxes to backpacks, Groupon has me covered. No waiting in long lines and fighting for the last advertised sale items for me. School shopping online in my pajamas is how I love spending the last few days of summer. 


Just this week I managed to sign one of my kids up for Drivers Training through and awesome deal on Groupon, AND I snagged a great deal on a playdate at the local trampoline park for my middleschooler!  


With all of the money that I saved on Groupon deals for the kids, there was plenty of wiggle room left in my budget to pamper myself. Afterall, I did manage to keep 5 kids entertained all summer long and was able to maintain my sanity! Since there are so many Health, Beauty & Wellness Groupons, it wasn't hard for me to find merchants in my area to make me feel beautiful again. I managed to find a great deal on a much needed massage for myself and I'll be gettting a long overdue hairstyle update and a fresh manicure to start the school year off with a bang!


Groupon is my go to place to save money on the things that my family needs on a daily basis. If you are looking for a deal at a local restaurant or want to take your beauty game to the next level, there are plenty of groupons to suit your needs.   How do you save money with Groupon?



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