5 Ideas To Keep Kids Busy During Spring Break

March 30th, 2016 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Children | Family Fun & Events

5 Ideas to keep kids busy during (1)

With Spring Break on the horizon, kids all across the country will be exchanging their books and pencils for swim suits and video games. Our family won't be taking a vacation, but we do have a few activities planned.  Just because we're not going out of town doesn't mean that the kids won't have a Spring Break to remember. With a little planning and creativity it's possible to enjoy Spring Break anywhere and make memories with your family.  Below are some of my favorite Spring Break activities to keep my kids busy.


1. Scavenger Hunt:  This activity takes place at a local park with ADULT SUPERVISION.

Divide the kids into teams ( you may need to borrow a neighbor or two), and make sure they have at least one cell phone with a camera per team. Give each team a bag with props such as sunglasses, a wig, a baseball cap, a feather boa, or even a pair of clown shoes. Each team has to get a photo of a person at the park in one of the props.  The first team who completes all of the photos win.

Another scavenger hunt option at the park is to give the kids a list of items and they need to run around the park and ask moms and dads if they can take a photo of something in their purse or pockets. For instance one of the items on the list may be a pacifier, so you find a mom with a baby and take a photo of the pacifier.  Another item may be a shovel and pail, find a kid with one and take a picture. The first team to photograph all of the items on the list wins! 

2.  Lazy Day At The Beach or Lake

Pack up the family car and make your way to the beach or your local water hole.  Bring a cooler with lots of icy drinks and pack a picnic basket full of yummy lunch provisions.  Be sure to bring along lots of sun screen, beach towels, blankets and a first aid kit. Don't forget to pack a beach ball, football, frisbee and your favorite water toys.


3. Volunteer As A Family

Dedicate an afternoon to doing community service as a family.  Maybe you can pick up trash at your local park or beach. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have a huge need for people to serve food at soup kitchens and to pack boxes at the local food bank. Your family can serve others and have fun at the same time. Teaching kids to give back at a young age will help cultivate their sense of compassion and produce kind and socially aware citizens.


4. Spring Cleaning 

Take a morning to give the house a good scrubbin'. Clean out the closets,  sweep under the beds and straighten up the garage or attic. Have the kids go through their toys, toss out the broken ones, and donate the ones that they no  longer use. Do the same thing with clothing, toss out the ripped and stained ones, and donate the ones they have outgrown. Or if you prefer, have a garage sale with all of the items that you no longer need. Make sure everyone is involved in the cleaning portion, so when you celebrate with a fun activity that evening, everyone will appreciate it. 


5. Old Fashioned Lemonade Stand

Squeeze some lemons, stir in some sugar and bring on the sunshine!  Not only will the kids have fun, but they will gain cash handling experience, sharpen their customer service skills and get a reputation as the sweetest kids on the block. Divide up the profits between the kids, or donate the money to a charity of your family's choice. 



This is a sponsored post on behalf of Pley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 


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