Teaching Kids To Be Thankful

February 29th, 2016 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Children | Uncategorized

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Pley. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I only post material that is of benefit to my readers. 



Teaching Kids


As a busy mother of 6, I am always on the go.  There are a few bigbox stores that I practically live in since I am there so often and the kids are in tow.  As you can guess there is always a kid or two who just HAS to have the latest toy or game even though they just got something last week or the the week before. If I give in each and every time, I will  have a house full of clutter and a pocket book full of lint. Not to mention they will never learn how to be grateful for the things that they already have it we continue to add more to it.

As a household rule, when we purchase a new toy or game, we remove one from the home and donate it to a worthy cause.  We do this for two reasons; to keep clutter under control and to show compassion and empathy for those less fortunate than ourselves.  One of the places we donate our previously loved games and toys is to a womens shelter. This particular establishment services women with small children that have left abusive relationships. Many of these kids left home with only the clothing on their backs, so when they see the games and toys that we bring they are over the moon happy to receive them. It's important for my children to see how grateful the kids at the shelter are for their hand me downs so they can have a birdseye view of how many kids don't have anything at all while they are still asking us to buy them yet ANOTHER toy.

Secondly we give away an item when we purchase a new one to keep the clutter under control.  If we don't give away something, then we will end up with closets and shelves full of has been, must have items.  Not to mention each kid can only play with one toy at a time.  Lastly we have the kids save up half the money for the item that they want to purchase and we pay the other half. This method works well in teaching them the value of a dollar and makes them think twice if this item is really worth it to them. 

If you are looking to stretch your toy budget and keep the toy clutter under control around your home, you may wan to check out Pley, where you can rent toys, doll clothing and accessories, and even dart blasters for less than $.50 a day! This awesome service allows your kids to play with multiple toys and there is no long term commitment and you can keep them long as you want. My favorite part is the green footprint that it leaves behind by cutting down on excess toys in the landfill. Try Pley today and come back and tell me what you think!


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