How To Manage A Toy Budget

November 21st, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Money Matters | Uncategorized

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Pley. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I only post material that is of benefit to my readers. 


toy budget5


Raising 5 kids in California can be very expensive.  Between sports teams, Scouting, and performing arts, these costs can add up very quickly. In order to keep my household running smoothly and everyone being able to participate in their extra cirricular activities, we have strict household budget. 

 My kids range in ages from 12-19 and as you can imagine I have spent more than my fair share of money on toys over the years. As you can imagine I have spent more than my fair share on toys and games over the years. Gone are the days of buying $6 Barbie dolls and $5 packages of Legos.  Now they want the expensive mega building blocks sets, designer dolls, and pricey electronics.  The key to getting everyone what they want is the budget.  We allot a certain amount for games and toys on a monthly basis, and if they want a certain toy or device they need to save half of the money and we will match the rest from the budget. This teaches them the value of saving and also teaches them responsibility. If we don't use the entire toy budget this month, then we carry it over until the next month and so forth.

During Easter and Christmas, there are lots of Buy 1 Get 1 Free sales, and manufacturers also distribute lots of high value coupons at these times. This allows us to purchase multiple toys and games for our home as well as some to donate. Teaching kids to share and give back is just as important as teaching them to save. 

Another way to get creative with your toy budget is to subscribe to a toy service such as Pley.   As the leading toy rental company, Pley allows you to cut down on clutter and save money by delivering toys to your door on a monthly basis.  When your kids have played with them to their hearts content, just put the toys in the postage paid envelope and drop it in the mailbox so Pley can send your next set.  Not only does this cut down on the amount of toys in the landfills, but it also cuts down on the amount of money you spend on toys.  Pley offers toys for pre-schoolers as well as toys for adults.  With over 400 various Lego sets and other educational toys on hand, your future engineer will find hours and hours of entertainment in each package.  You can read more about Pley and the different plans that they offer at .


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Isabelle S.
Isabelle S.
9 years ago

We love Pley at our house too! Such a great way to play with many toys at a fraction of the cost.