Dasani #GreenBottleCap Checkers Game

November 20th, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Uncategorized

This post is sponsored by Dasani and the Coca Cola Company. All thoughts and opinions are my own.





As a mom of 5 children, I have purchased more than my fair share of board games. Sometimes my kids can wear them out, and other times they end up losing the pieces before the game is just a few weeks old. We have been known to use pieces from one game just to have a complete set in another one. The checkers game below is simply made from a few  Dasani bottle caps. Not only does it allow us to repurpose caps that would otherwise be thrown into the recycling, but it also provides us hours of fun for very little out of pocket.




24 bottle caps ( I used Dasani #GreenBottleCap)

12 round stickers

1 checkerboard


Simply adhere a round sticker to the top of a #GreenBottleCap .  You can cover all 24 bottle caps if you like. I decided to leave half of them green. Grab your favorite snack, a few bottles of Dasani and enjoy!





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