Check out The Eco-friendly Dasani PlantBottle #GreenBottleCap

November 20th, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Uncategorized

This post is sponsored by Dasani & The Coca-Cola Company. All thoughts and opinions expressed below are my own and I only endorse products that I believe are a good fit for my readers. 



Have you checked out the new PlantBottle packaging for Dasani water? The newly designed bottle is made from up to 30% plant material and it is 100% recyclable! This lighter bottle requires less plastic which in turn helps lower CO2 emissions and to conserve our natural resources as well.  Dasani is on a quest to to design a future where every plastic bottle is recyclable. You can find this newly designed bottle on all sizes of Dasani waters throughout the United States, just be on the lookout for the #GreenBottleCap . You can read more about Dasani's sustainability efforts here at and you can read more about the PlantBottle at .


You don't have to take my word for it. This new packaging won the 2010 Global DuPont Award for Packaging Innovation and the 2011 Edison Award in Energy and Sustainable Packaging. A mother of 5 children, I want to leave a planet to my children's children that will sustain them for years to come. Dasani and the Coca Cola company are helping to make this possible.



Click here  or on the image below to find out how I repurposed the Dasani #GreenBottleCap and turned them into a fun checkers game for my family below. 





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