So You’ve Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer, NOW WHAT?

October 21st, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Breast Cancer | Health & Wellness

Breast Cancer DX

Being diagnosed with a life threatening disease can be scary and overwhelming.  So many things were running through my head when I heard the word “CANCER”.  How could this happen, how bad is it, am I gonna die, what am I going to do?  All of these questions flashed through my mind as I was still trying to process hearing the words “you have cancer”.

After sharing the diagnosis with my husband, reality began to sink in. When the words came out of my mouth it made the diagnosis a reality.  I shed a few tears as my husband sat stunned in disbelief.  After a few minutes of silence we decided we needed a plan.  After sharing the diagnosis with friends, family and clergy, I was determined in my mind to beat this.  All I knew about Breast Cancer is that it killed my grandmother.  As a matter of fact everyone that I ever heard been diagnosed with cancer had died. I was determined to not only beat this but to live a long a happy life for many years to come.

A few days after getting “the call” I was contacted by the Breast Care Coordinator at the hospital.  My sister (a registered nurse) and I scheduled an appointment for a few days later.  The Coordinator explained my tumor, how big it was, and what the next year or so of my life would look like.  Within a few days, I met with my oncologist and later that afternoon he assembled a meeting for my sister, my husband and myself to meet with the radiologist, surgeon, Breast Care Coordinator and himself.  I really liked having everyone in the same room at the same time to discuss my course of treatment.  When I left that room, I felt well informed  and confident about the treatments we decided upon as well as with my team of health care providers.

The next 10 months literally flew by.   After 3 surgeries, 6 rounds of chemo and 5 weeks of radiation, I was finished with my treatments.  When it was all said and done, I was so mentally and spiritually  prepared for this challenge that I still had a lot of fight and perseverance left in my tank.  My faith in God and a great attitude were key to me becoming a Breast Cancer survivor and a conqueror.  Check out the list of suggestions below that you or a loved on can use to help you through a cancer journey.


  1. Just because you have a cancer diagnosis doesn’t mean you are going to die.
  2. Tap into your higher power. You are going to need some type of spiritual support.
  3. Research and find out as much as you can about your particular cancer.
  4. You may want to get a second opinion.
  5. Get a strong support team around you such as friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and clergy.
  6. Show up to all doctors appointments and treatments.
  7. Keep an ongoing list of questions and concerns to present to your doctor.
  8. Take all prescribed medications.
  9. Get plenty of rest.
  10. Eat healthy. I ate lots of whole grains, green leafy veggies and tons of fresh fruit.

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8 years ago

This is a great post!!I have several co-workers and friends who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am praying for everyone!!

8 years ago

Wow thank you so much for sharing your story with us! I am so glad you have created this info- it will be so helpful to so many women!

alexandria waning
8 years ago

Thank you for sharing that with all of us. I cannot imagine those first moments. Deciding to beat it, seems like the best way to go! 🙂

8 years ago

So glad you are okay! My dad is currently battling leukemia. He’s 74 so it’s not too easy for him. Cancer sucks.

8 years ago

Removing all extraneous stress from your life sounds like one of the best pieces of advice-other then following all the protocols! A positive attitude will really help-it sure helped my cousin–so glad you were able to beat it back!