5 Ways To Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 1st, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Breast Cancer

In 2015 an estimated  300,000 women and 2,300 men will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Approximately 40,000 women are expected to die from this deadly disease.  Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place in the month of October and as a Breast Cancer survivor it brings me great pleasure to be alive to celebrate life and raise awareness for the cause.  You don’t have to be a survivor to get involved,  you just need a caring heart and a determination to make a difference. Below you will find some ways that YOU can make difference in the lives of Breast Cancer patients and also ways to fight for a cure.

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  1. Attend a local fundraiser that supports Breast Cancer research and treatments in your area. Proceeds from these events not only help patients get the care that they need, but it also provides support services for the family and caretakers.
  2. Donate some hats, gloves, scarves or wigs to a hospital or cancer organization.  Many chemo patients need to keep their heads covered and the treatments can also cause the patient to feel cold so the gloves do come in handy as well.
  3. Gather some friends, a youth group or even some Girl Scouts to make pillows.  A lot of patients have had lymphnodes removed from under their arms and tiny little heart shaped pillows to put under their arms make a world of difference and provides comfort while healing.
  4. Ask around church, work or the neighborhood and find a Breast Cancer patient that you can offer your services to.  Tidy up their home, run errands, or simply cook a meal.
  5. Invite and/or encourage 5 women to get a mammogram.  

Not only am I a Breast Cancer survivor but I am thriving in life. Hopefully we will find a cure sooner than later.  How do you plan to celebrate life and bring awareness to Breast Cancer this month?


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8 years ago

I plan to donate. I’ve been receiving a lot of requests to join several Team in Training groups.

Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy

These are all some great ideas. My sister in law survived breast cancer. She participates in a lot of activities.

8 years ago

The pillows are such a good idea. I know they would be welcomingly received too!

8 years ago

I have a friend that is a breast cancer survivor. She’s 37 and has a 5 year old son. I hope they find a cure soon.

Mary Edwards
8 years ago

Breast cancer unfortunately runs in my family. Every year I encourage everyone I know to get a mammogram.