DermaTherapy Bedding Sheets Review

September 21st, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Home & Garden | Product Reviews

I recently had the opportunity to try out a set of DermaTherapy bed sheets.  These specialty bed sheets were created for people with various skin conditions. After going through chemo and radiation to battle Breast Cancer my body was sent into premature menopause, which for me means hot flashes on and off 24/7.  Night time is normally a nightmare for me since my body is sweating and the sheets are sticking to me as I twist and turn in my bed. So when I heard about the DermaTherapy bed sheets, I figured giving them a try couldn’t hurt.



I knew right away when I pulled the sheets out of the packaging that they were different.  They felt smooth and silky in between my fingers.  Manufacturers instructions suggest washing them first.  After putting them on my bed I couldn’t wait to sleep on them, so I just laid between the sheets immediately.  My body was in Heaven! They were so silky and cool to the touch.  This amazing fabric is specially created to draw the moisture away from skin and that’s exactly what it did for mine each and every night.  My pillows stay nice and cool all night long, and my hair is no longer stuck to my face when I wake up. Gone are the days of waking up to damp sheets because I sweated them out.  This specially formulated material has also been antimicrobial treated to eliminate odors caused by bacteria and perspiration.   Not only has my sleeping been better, but my days have been happier as well because I’m well rested and I don’t have to strip my bedding off daily to wash it.

I recommend these life changing sheets to anyone who has a skin condition or even profuse sweaters like myself.  You have not had a good nights sleep until you have slept on these. They may be a bit pricey, but you more than recoup your expenses with a better quality of life.


*I was given this item free of charge in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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