Mother’s Day Gratitude

May 10th, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Uncategorized

mothers day pic


When I rose this morning, my heart was full of gratitude. I'm thankful that the good Lord blessed my womb and allowed me to experience childbirth and the joys of motherhood. From the time I found out that I was pregnant, I began to walk around as somebody's mother. By the time my first child was born, motherhood was already prepared for, or so I thought I was….

19 years later I have given birth 4 times and was blessed to adopt 2 children as well. When I say that my heart is full, it's not an exaggeration. Through the years I have come to find out that the more love I give out to my kids, the more I can receive back. Each and every child is unique and brings their own set of challenges to my doorstep everyday, but I love each and every one of them with all that is within me. Fortunately for me, their love and personalities outweigh the challenges and I wake up every morning so grateful to be their mother.   When I wash their clothes, I feel blessed to have healthy kids who are out getting dirty. When I cook their meals, I'm grateful to have children that have healthy appetites and even more thankful that we have plenty of food to go around. When I am driving them to and from their varoius activities all over the county, I'm thankful that they are involved in activities that are helping to shape them and giving them future opportunities.  It's a blessing to be called Mom, and I know how blessed I am to be one.


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