Motivational Monday: There’s A Gift in Your Day

April 6th, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Motivation Monday



As the Easter holiday was in full swing this weekend, I thought about all of the plastic eggs around the world that were filled with treats. Some of them had toys, some had candy, and some even had money. Kids waited patiently as the treat filled eggs were hidden, in aticipation of receiving something delightful, and it got me to thinking about gift that God gives us everyday when we wake up.


Just as the kids break open those plastic eggs expecting to find something, we should be doing the same thing with our days when we wake up in the morning.  The gift of life is truly a treasure and should be treated as such. I'm sure that some of those kids found eggs with candy in them that they did not care for, which is the equivilant of us opening up the gift of a new day and not liking what we see. Perhaps we are in debt, need to lose weight, or could even be in a bad relationship.  Today is a gift to be opened and enjoyed. It can also be a catalyst for change. Get up and get active! Start walking around the neighborhoo and change your eating habits. If you woke up with debt this morning, you did not get there overnight. STOP spending, and set yourself up on a budget. Take control of your money today so that you will enjoy your financial future. If a bad relationship faces you this morning, put an end to it. You are worth the price of happiness even if it means being alone. 


Nelson Mandela said " you have a limited time to stay on Earth. You must try and use that period for the purpose of transforming your country into what you desire it to be".  I have taken that quote and applied it to transforming my life into the life that I want it to be, and so can you.  Everyday is a gift, that's why they call it the present.  What will you do with your gift today?


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Edna Myers
9 years ago

What a true power statement and inspirational piece.