National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day

April 2nd, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Uncategorized


Well, National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day has finally arrived! I know you have been waiting for this day to come so that you can indulge in this gooey, nutty snack without any restraints or restrictions, right?  Well you may have to think again before sending this sandwich to school with Junior.

Nowadays many schools have been declared "Nut Free Zones" since many children are allergic to nuts. This means no nuts PERIOD since a child with allergies may inadvertantly come in contact with a surface that had a nut product on it.  When I was a child PB&J was a highly traded commodity in the lunchroom.  You could trade a PB&J sandwich for another sandwich or even a Rice Krispie treat back then. Today PB&J has been replaced by immitation "peanut butter" on elementary school campuses, so if kids want to enjoy this classic sandwich then they may have to partake of them at home like we do.  Saturdays afternoons with a PB&J sandwich and an ice cold glass of milk is the perfect way to end the week.

So grab your favorite bread, the gooeyist jam you can find and good jar of peanut butter and make a sandwich today to celebrate National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.


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