10 Tips For A Successful Yard Sale

April 28th, 2015 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Money Matters


10 Yardsale Tips

With Spring in full swing and Summer right around the corner, it’s time to clean out your closets and the garage so we can make some extra cash! Follow the tips below and you will be able to reduce your household clutter AND add a few dollars to your bank account.


  1. Find a well lit area in the home to sort your potential yardsale items. You may need tables, storage bins, boxes, etc.
  2. Wash and clean every item you plan on selling. Nobody wants to buy your dirty items.
  3. Put a price tag or sticker on every item so your customers can clearly see how much it costs.
  4. When you price bigger items, add a few bucks to the price so that you can get your asking price when people start haggling.
  5. Get together with a few of your neighbors and host multiple yardsales at the same time.
  6. When setting up your yardsale, group like items together in a nice orderly fashion ; toys, books, sports equipment, etc.
  7. Give discounts when buyers purchase multiple items, and maybe even throw in a freebie for the kids
  8. Get the kids involved! Let them set up a snack table or sell lemonade and water.
  9. ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE!!! Use social media, Craigslist, newspaper ads, flyers, and signs on street corners.
  10. Donate all of the unsold items to your favorite charity. This way you won’t bring the clutter back inside and you get a tax deduction.


Looking for more Yard Sale tips? Check out my post:  5 Tips For Buying And Selling on Facebook Yard Sale Groups




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[…] sills. Go through the garage and the attic and toss out things that are not being used. Having a yard sale at the end of the week can be a great way to get rid of your clutter and make some money. At the […]

Liz Mays
9 years ago

I find it incredibly annoying when a price tag isn’t on something, so I appreciate that tip big time!

Carly Brydon
Carly Brydon
9 years ago

These are some great tips! I can’t agree more with the advertising – the more you get the word out, the more money you’ll make!

Lois Jones
Lois Jones
9 years ago

I do a sale with one of my best friends each year and we always have a blast and make a good profit. a lot of work, but a lot more fun!

Lisa Rios
Lisa Rios
9 years ago

I like all these tips for a successful yard sale. Love the idea of garage sale as well. Will have to share this with my friends. Thanks for these great tips.