UC Berkeley #Caltopia 2014

August 25th, 2014 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Family Fun & Events

We are a Blue and Gold family tried and true. As a UC Berekely Alumni, my huband is very involved in various activities at the University year round.  One event that the entire family takes part in on a yearly basis is Caltopia. 


caltopia family photo

Each year as college co-eds prepare to start school, UC Berekely opens the Regional Sports Facilities (RSF) to vendors and exhibitors from across the nation to come so students and members of the surrounding community can taste, sample and try the latest foods, drinks, products and services that students across the country love!   Just imagaine being at a pep rally with 30,000 of your closest friends and lots of fun swag!  If you can get that picture in your mind, then you have an idea of what Caltopia is like. 


Caltopia Collage3

Now that the kids are older, soon as we enter the gates they split!  However Donald (age 11 from Fantabuless Giveaways and Reviews) stuck by my side as we manuevered our way through the pandemonium of #Caltopia.  We ate our way through one side and drank our way down the other. There were lots of booths offering college education opportunities to study abroad as well as aboard a cruise ship!  We saw the Army promoting their ROTC program, and learned that you can graduate from UC Berekeley and already be a 2nd Luitendant in the US Army by going through this program.  They can even help pay for education!!! 


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 It was really nice to see how much community involvement went into this event.  There were national brands in attendance such as Pepsi, Wells Fargo and Bank of America. However many vendors that showered the students with good eats and swag were local right here from the San Francisco Bay Area.  Since this was the weekend that students moved into the dorms, there were lots of parents on campus. There were unofficial campus tours going on and lots of school spirit being displayed.  

After a few hours, we were tinkered out so we gathered our bags of swag and headed home.  Caltopia is always the fourth weekend in August every year and takes place on Sunday and Monday.  Admission is always free and it's a good time for the entire family. If you are a Bay Area resident or just visiting for the weekend, I highly recommend stopping by Caltopia at UC Berekely.


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