10 Fun Facts About See’s Candies

August 31st, 2014 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Family Fun & Events


10 Fun FactsAbout Sees Image


My son and I attended the Grand Opening of See's Candies in San Franciso on Market Street last week.  In addition to the many yummy candies that we sampled, they gave us a book about the history of See's Candies. Here are 10 fun facts that we would like to share with you.


1. See's Candies was founded in 1921 by Charles A. See.

2. Mary See is REAL. She was Charles A. See's mother, and he started See's Candies with her recipes.

3. During the Depression See's Candies lowered their candy prices from the competitive rate of $.80lb to $.50lb and was able to preserve jobs.

4. See's Candies delivers 1,400, 926 lbs of candy by mail every year.

5. See's Candies makes 800 MILLION pieces of candy every year.

6. Each and every bon bon is hand rolled and hand dipped.

7. There are 150 different varieties of See's Candies.

8. See's Candies ages their chocolate for a smoother more satisfying taste experience.

9. There are no added preservatives in See's Candies.

10. The infamous Lucy and Ethel "Job Switching" episode was filmed at the See's Candies plant in Los Angeles.


Be sure to read Sweet Treats at See's Candies Grand Opening #SeesAtMarketSt


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Misty Battle
Misty Battle
10 years ago

Oh yummy. 800 million pieces of candy! Sounds like heaven. I love See's Candy!

Amber NElson
10 years ago

Sees candies is such a great place to get treats.  Love it!

10 years ago

I have heard many good things about See's Candies. I will have to try them out. 


[…] Be sure to read  10 Fun Facts About See’s Candies. […]