My Breast Cancer Journey: Radiation Week 3

May 25th, 2014 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Breast Cancer

I just wrapped up week 3 of radiation and I’m feeling great! I never would have imagined that the few minutes I’m on the table daily would bring me out of this journey with many revelations.

As I lay on the table, it gives me a time out to collect my thoughts and ponder some things.  This week the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me that this is just a season, and we should be enjoying this season because seasons do change. I thought about the revelation for a while and pictured snow melting off the mountains in the Spring time and revealing new grass.  In the summer and spring, that grass get lots of oxygen and sunlight to grow and thrive.  Energy is being made from the sunlight and being stored for later use.  There’s going to come a time when the sun is not shining and the grass will still need the energy to live.  At this current time in my life, I’m enjoying this season because God blessed me with the opportunity to see this season come to past. I’m loving life, living it to the fullest and preparing for the season that is ahead. I don’t know what the future holds, but with God on my side I know that I will be able to handle it.


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