FantabuLESS Sausage & Egg Breakfast Bake

May 11th, 2014 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Recipes

My family loves eating breakfast. You can find us eating breakfast in the morning, noon or night. When SaraLee over at SaraLee's Steals, Deals and Giveaways posted a recipe for a breakfast casserole I knew this would be a hit at my house.  I adjusted the original recipe to reflect the items that I had on hand at my house. Keep in mind that I cook for a family of 8, so you may need to cut the recipe in half to suit the needs of your family. 

2 dozen eggs
3lbs of Tater Tots or hashbrowns
1lbs shredded cheese
8-10 slices of bread (I used sourdough)
2lbs of sausage












Brown and drain the sausage.










Line your pan with foil or use a disposable one for

easy clean-up.









Cover the bottom of the pan with bread slices.




Sprinkle a little cheese on top of the bread.










Cover the cheese with the mashed Tater Tots.







Cover the Tater Tots or hash browns with sausage.









Sprinkle cheese over the sausage.









Beat the eggs and pour them over the cheese.










Cover the pan with foil and bake in a 400 degree oven

for 35 minutes, then remove foil and cook for another
15 minutes. Serve with your favorite breakfast





















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