FantabuLESS Mackerel Patties

May 14th, 2014 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Recipes

Growing up with a large extended family, we ate many a meals at Grandma's house.  Since she lived next door to the church, we had plenty of company that would just so happen to drop in around supper time on their way to church. We didn't have a lot, but what we had Grandma prayed over it and The Lord saw fit to bless it and stretch it to be more than enough. Here's one of the many recipes that she used to feed a large family for very little.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 4-5 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

2- 15oz cans of mackerel ( I only use Sunny Sea)
3 large eggs
1 onion
1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
1 tbsp baking powder
Vegetable oil for frying


1. Heat about a quarter of an inch of oil in a cast iron skillet over medium high heat.
2. Pour both cans of mackerel in a large mixing bowl and smash the mackerels with your hands until fine.
3. Add in all 3 eggs and continue to mix by hand.
4. Chop and mix in one onion. (I personally only use 1/2 but grandma uses a whole onion)
5. Add in corn meal, flour and baking powder and mix it all in using your hand.
6. Mixture will be a bit runny, but take a good size blob ( about 1/4 cup) and form it into a patty and let
   it slide off your fingers into the grease.
7. Cook for 2 minutes or until golden brown, and flip using a slotted spatula.
8. Cook the other side for 2 minutes as well, and drain on newspaper, napkins, or paper towels.
Serve with your favorite condiments. I like Hot Sauce, but my kids prefer tartar sauce.


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