Hugo The Happy Starfish Book Review

March 8th, 2013 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Product Reviews

I had the pleasure to review a children's book that dealt with empathy.  With all of the bullying that is going on in society today as well as in the schools that my children attend, I'm very glad that the author decided to write a series about character education for children.

Hugo The Happy Starfish The Secret To Happiness is about a starfish named Hugo who was looking everywhere for happiness. His friends were able to point him in the direction of temporary happiness, but it wasn't until he looked inside of himself that he found the secret to true happiness.   This book reinforced a lesson to my children that temporary things may be quick and easy to come by, but worthwhile and lifelong things are worth waiting for.  I recommend this book to parents, and educators that want to instill lifelong values in children.

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