Dotz Home Entertainment Cord Identifier Kit Review

March 8th, 2013 | Posted by fantabulessmedia in Product Reviews

I had the opportunity to review a product that was a blessing to my family and brought some order to my chaotic household!

Have you ever had to call the cable company and they ask you to unplug the cable box and plug it back in?  Well if you’re anything like me you have several black cords all plugged into a power strip somewhere behind the television. Since I’m never sure which cord it is, I just unplug the entire power strip to make sure that I got the correct one. Now that I have tried the Home Entertainment Cord Identifier Kit from Dotz, my cords are color coded and can easily be identified with a quick glance.

The set up was really easy. I just used the color coded punch tabs that were included with the kit, wrote the name of the electronic device and clicked the identifier on the cord.  Gone are the days when I have to wait for my teenagers to come home from school to unplug their video games so that I can use an HD cable.

I recommend the Dotz Home Entertainment Cord Identifier Kit to anyone who has multiple electronic devices that need to be easily identified in your home entertainment set up.  You can purchase your Dotz Home Entertainment Cord Identifier Kit here.


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